Hello Dominique,
I came across your blog/Facebook pages and wondered if you would consider collaborating in getting riders from your end of the world down to South Africa for a tour… especially with winter coming on fast up ‘North’J
On a serious note South Africa is an absolute blast on a bike and a brilliant place to spend a week or three. In addition to great riding and scenery we also have fantastic wildlife (Big5, Great White Sharks etc.) which all makes for a quite special breakaway.
Website: http://due-south.co.za
I’d like to put forward a proposal, let me know if you would like to hear/read what I have in mind??
Regards, Joe
+2783 652 4040
Due South Motorcycle Tours – South Africa
info@due-south.co.za * www.due-south.co.za
life's a journey... enjoy the ride...
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